Boolean determining whether application is being debugged or not.
Boolean determining whether application is being debugged or not.
Boolean determining whether the application has support for ODBC through DDBC.
Boolean determining whether the application has support for ODBC through DDBC.
Boolean determining whether the application has support for Microsoft's sql server.
Boolean determining whether the application has support for Microsoft's sql server.
Boolean determining whether the application has support for postgreSQL.
Boolean determining whether the application has support for postgreSQL.
Boolean determining whether the application has support for sqlite.
Boolean determining whether the application has support for sqlite.
Boolean determining whether the application uses a custom main or not.
Boolean determining whether the application uses a custom main or not.
Boolean determining whether the application is running tests or not.
Boolean determining whether the application is running tests or not.
Boolean determining whether the application is web related or not.
Boolean determining whether the application is compiled as a webapi or not.
Boolean determining whether the application is compiled as a webapi or not.
Boolean determining whether the application is compiled as a webapi or not.
Boolean determining whether the application is compiled as a webserver or not.
Boolean determining whether the application is compiled as a webserver or not.
Boolean determining whether the application is compiled as a webserver or not.
Boolean determining whether the application logs or not.
Boolean determining whether the application logs or not.
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