1 /**
2 * Copyright © DiamondMVC 2019
3 * License: MIT (https://github.com/DiamondMVC/Diamond/blob/master/LICENSE)
4 * Author: Jacob Jensen (bausshf)
5 */
6 module diamond.core.logging;
8 import diamond.core.apptype;
10 static if (loggingEnabled)
11 {
12   import diamond.http;
14   /// Alias for a logging delegate.
15   private alias LogDelegate = void delegate(LogResult);
17   /// Wrapper around a log result.
18   final class LogResult
19   {
20     private:
21     /// Unique token for the log.
22     string _logToken;
23     /// The log type.
24     LogType _logType;
25     /// The name of the application.
26     string _applicationName;
27     /// The ip address.
28     string _ipAddress;
29     /// The request method.
30     HttpMethod _requestMethod;
31     /// The request headers.
32     string _requestHeaders;
33     /// The request body.
34     string _requestBody;
35     /// The request url.
36     string _requestUrl;
37     /// The response headers.
38     string _responseHeaders;
39     /// The response body.
40     string _responseBody;
41     /// The response status code.
42     HttpStatus _responseStatusCode;
43     /// The message.
44     string _message;
45     /// The auth token.
46     string _authToken;
48     /**
49     * Creates a new log result.
50     * Params:
51     *   logToken =          The token of the log result.
52     *   logType =           The type of the log.
53     *   applicationName =   The name of the application.
54     *   ipAddress =         The ip address.
55     *   requestMethod =     The request method.
56     *   requestHeaders =    The request headers.
57     *   requestBody =       The request body.
58     *   requestUrl =        The request url.
59     *   responseHeaders =   The response headers.
60     *   responseBody =      The response body.
61     *   responseStatusCode  The response status code.
62     *   message =           The message.
63     */
64     this
65     (
66       string logToken,
67       LogType logType,
68       string applicationName,
69       string ipAddress,
70       HttpMethod requestMethod,
71       string requestHeaders,
72       string requestBody,
73       string requestUrl,
74       string responseHeaders,
75       string responseBody,
76       HttpStatus responseStatusCode,
77       string message,
78       string authToken
79     )
80     {
81       _logToken = logToken;
82       _logType = logType;
83       _applicationName = applicationName;
84       _ipAddress = ipAddress;
85       _requestMethod = requestMethod;
86       _requestHeaders = requestHeaders;
87       _requestBody = requestBody;
88       _requestUrl = requestUrl;
89       _responseHeaders = responseHeaders;
90       _responseBody = responseBody;
91       _responseStatusCode = responseStatusCode;
92       _message = message;
93       _authToken = authToken;
94     }
96     public:
97     final:
98     @property
99     {
100       /// Gets the unique token for the log result.
101       string logToken() { return _logToken; }
103       /// Gets the type of the log.
104       LogType logType() { return _logType; }
106       /// Gets the name of the application.
107       string applicationName() { return _applicationName; }
109       /// Gets the ip address.
110       string ipAddress() { return _ipAddress; }
112       /// Gets the request method.
113       HttpMethod requestMethod() { return _requestMethod; }
115       /// Gets the request headers.
116       string requestHeaders() { return _requestHeaders; }
118       /// Gets the request body.
119       string requestBody() { return _requestBody; }
121       /// Gets the request url.
122       string requestUrl() { return _requestUrl; }
124       /// Gets the response headers.
125       string responseHeaders() { return _responseHeaders; }
127       /// Gets the response body.
128       string responseBody() { return _responseBody; }
130       /// Gets the response status code.
131       HttpStatus responseStatusCode() { return _responseStatusCode; }
133       /// Gets the message.
134       string message() { return _message; }
136       /// Gets the auth token.
137       string authToken() { return _authToken; }
138     }
140     /// Gets the log result as a loggable string, fit for ex. file-logs.
141     override string toString()
142     {
143       import std.datetime : Clock;
144       import std..string : format;
146       return `-------------------
147 --------- %s ----------
148 -------------------
149 Token: %s
150 LogType: %s
151 App: %s,
152 IPAddress: %s
153 Method: %s
154 Status: %s
155 ReqUrl: %s
156 AuthToken: %s
157 ReqHeaders:
158 -------------------
159 %s
160 -------------------
161 ReqBody:
162 -------------------
163 %s
164 -------------------
165 ResHeaders:
166 -------------------
167 %s
168 -------------------
169 ResBody:
170 -------------------
171 %s
172 -------------------
173 Message:
174 -------------------
175 %s
176 -------------------
177 -------------------`.format
178       (
179         Clock.currTime().toString(),
180         logToken, logType, applicationName,
181         ipAddress, requestMethod,
182         responseStatusCode, requestUrl,
183         authToken,
184         requestHeaders, requestBody,
185         responseHeaders, responseBody,
186         message
187       );
188     }
189   }
191   package(diamond)
192   {
193     /// Collection of loggers.
194     __gshared LogDelegate[][LogType] _loggers;
196     /**
197     * Executes a specific type of logger.
198     * Params:
199     *   logType =   The type of logger to execute.
200     *   client =    The client to log.
201     *   message =   The message associated with the log.
202     */
203     void executeLog
204     (
205       LogType logType,
206       HttpClient client,
207       lazy string message = null
208     )
209     {
210       import diamond.core.webconfig;
212       auto loggers = _loggers.get(logType, null);
214       if (!loggers)
215       {
216         return;
217       }
219       import std.algorithm : canFind;
221       bool protectedPrivacy = !webConfig.disablePrivacyLogging;
222       bool protectedIP = protectedPrivacy || !client.privacy["__D_LOGGING_PROTECT_IP"].adminVisible;
223       bool protectedBody = protectedPrivacy || !client.privacy["__D_LOGGING_PROTECT_BODY"].adminVisible;
224       bool protectedHeaders = client.route && webConfig.disableHeaderLoggingRoutes && webConfig.disableHeaderLoggingRoutes.length && webConfig.disableHeaderLoggingRoutes.canFind(client.route.name);
226       import std..string : format, indexOf, lastIndexOf, toLower;
227       import vibe.stream.operations : readAllUTF8;
228       import diamond.core.webconfig;
229       import diamond.core.senc;
231       string protectIP(string ip)
232       {
233         if (!ip || !ip.length || ip.indexOf('.') == -1)
234         {
235           return "";
236         }
238         auto newIP = ip[0 .. ip.indexOf('.')];
239         auto last = ip.lastIndexOf('.');
241         if (last > 0)
242         {
243           newIP ~= "..." ~ ip[ip.lastIndexOf('.') .. $];
244         }
246         return newIP;
247       }
249       string requestHeaders = "";
251       if (!protectedHeaders)
252       {
253         foreach (key,value; client.headers)
254         {
255           if (protectedIP && (key.toLower() == "x-forwarded-for" || key.toLower() == "x-real-ip" || key.toLower().canFind("ip") || key.toLower().canFind("address")))
256           {
257             requestHeaders ~= "%s: %s\r\n".format(key, protectIP(value));
258           }
259           else
260           {
261             requestHeaders ~= "%s: %s\r\n".format(key, value);
262           }
263         }
264       }
266       string responseHeaders = "";
268       if (!protectedHeaders)
269       {
270         foreach (key,value; client.rawResponse.headers)
271         {
272           if (protectedIP && (key.toLower() == "x-forwarded-for" || key.toLower() == "x-real-ip" || key.toLower().canFind("ip") || key.toLower().canFind("address")))
273           {
274             responseHeaders ~= "%s: %s\r\n".format(key, protectIP(value));
275           }
276           else
277           {
278             responseHeaders ~= "%s: %s\r\n".format(key, value);
279           }
280         }
281       }
283       import std.uuid : randomUUID, sha1UUID;
284       import std.random : Xorshift192, unpredictableSeed;
286       Xorshift192 gen;
287       gen.seed(unpredictableSeed);
289       string logToken =
290         randomUUID(gen).toString() ~ "-" ~ sha1UUID(client.session.id).toString();
292       auto statusCode = client.statusCode;
294       if (logType == LogType.error)
295       {
296         statusCode = HttpStatus.internalServerError;
297       }
298       else if (logType == LogType.notFound)
299       {
300         statusCode = HttpStatus.notFound;
301       }
302       else if (statusCode == HttpStatus.continue_)
303       {
304         statusCode = HttpStatus.ok;
305       }
307       auto logResult = new LogResult
308       (
309         logToken,
310         logType,
311         webConfig.name,
312         protectedIP ? protectIP(client.ipAddress) : client.ipAddress,
313         client.method,
314         requestHeaders ? requestHeaders : "",
315         protectedBody ? "" : client.requestStream.readAllUTF8(),
316         client.fullUrl.toString(),
317         responseHeaders,
318         protectedBody ? "" :
319         (
320           client.rawResponse.contentType.canFind("text") ?
321           cast(string)client.getBody() : SENC.encode(client.getBody())
322         ),
323         statusCode,
324         message ? message : "",
325         client.cookies.hasAuthCookie() ? client.cookies.getAuthCookie() : ""
326       );
328       foreach (logger; loggers)
329       {
330         logger(logResult);
331       }
332     }
333   }
335   /// Enumeration of log types.
336   enum LogType
337   {
338     /// An error logger.
339     error,
341     /// A not-found logger.
342     notFound,
344     /// A logger for pre-request handling.
345     before,
347     /// A logger for post-request handling.
348     after,
350     /// A logger for static files.
351     staticFile
352   }
354   /**
355   * Creates a logger.
356   * Params:
357   *   logType = The type of the logger.
358   *   logger =  The logger handler.
359   */
360   void log(LogType logType, void delegate(LogResult) logger)
361   {
362     _loggers[logType] ~= logger;
363   }
365   /**
366   * Creates a file logger.
367   * Params:
368   *   logType =   The type of the logger.
369   *   file =      The file append logs to.
370   *   callback =  An optional callback after the log has been written.
371   */
372   void logToFile(LogType logType, string file, void delegate(LogResult) callback = null)
373   {
374     log(logType,
375     (result)
376     {
377       import std.file : append;
378       append(file, result.toString());
380       if (callback !is null)
381       {
382         callback(result);
383       }
384     });
385   }
387   /**
388   * Creates a database logger.
389   * The table must implement the following columns:
390   * logToken (VARCHAR)
391   * logType (ENUM ("error", "notFound", "after", "before", "staticFile"))
392   * applicationName (VARCHAR)
393   * authToken (VARCHAR)
394   * requestIPAddress (VARCHAR)
395   * requestMethod (VARCHAR)
396   * requestHeaders (TEXT)
397   * requestBody (TEXT)
398   * requestUrl (VARCHAR)
399   * responseHeaders (TEXT)
400   * responseBody (TEXT)
401   * responseStatusCode (INT)
402   * message (TEXT)
403   * timestamp (DATETIME)
404   * Params:
405   *   logType =          The type of the logger.
406   *   table =            The table to log entries to.
407   *   callback =         An optional callback after the log has been written.
408   *   connectionString = A connection string to associate with the logging. If none is specified then it will use the default connection string.
409   */
410   void logToDatabase(LogType logType, string table, void delegate(LogResult) callback = null, string connectionString = null)
411   {
412     log(logType,
413     (result)
414     {
415       import std..string : format;
417       auto sql = "
418       INSERT INTO `%s`
419       (
420         `logToken`,
421         `logType`,
422         `applicationName`,
423         `authToken`,
424         `requestIPAddress`, `requestMethod`, `requestHeaders`,
425         `requestBody`, `requestUrl`,
426         `responseHeaders`, `responseBody`, `responseStatusCode`,
427         `message`,
428         `timestamp`
429       )
430       VALUES
431       (
432         @logToken,
433         @logType,
434         @applicationName,
435         @authToken,
436         @requestIPAddress, @requestMethod, @requestHeaders,
437         @requestBody, @requestUrl,
438         @responseHeaders, @responseBody, @responseStatusCode,
439         @message,
440         NOW()
441       )".format(table);
443       import std.conv : to;
444       import diamond.database;
446       auto params = getParams();
447       params["logToken"] = result.logToken;
448       params["logType"] = to!string(result.logType);
449       params["applicationName"] = result.applicationName;
450       params["authToken"] = result.authToken;
451       params["requestIPAddress"] = result.ipAddress;
452       params["requestMethod"] = to!string(result.requestMethod);
453       params["requestHeaders"] = result.requestHeaders;
454       params["requestBody"] = result.requestBody;
455       params["requestUrl"] = result.requestUrl;
456       params["responseHeaders"] = result.responseHeaders;
457       params["responseBody"] = result.responseBody;
458       params["responseStatusCode"] = cast(int)result.responseStatusCode;
459       params["message"] = result.message;
461       MySql.mySqlAdapter.execute(sql, params, connectionString);
463       if (callback !is null)
464       {
465         callback(result);
466       }
467     });
468   }
469 }