1 /**
2 * Copyright © DiamondMVC 2019
3 * License: MIT (https://github.com/DiamondMVC/Diamond/blob/master/LICENSE)
4 * Author: Jacob Jensen (bausshf)
5 */
6 module diamond.core.webconfig;
8 import diamond.core.apptype;
10 static if (isWeb)
11 {
12   import vibe.data.serialization : optional;
14   /// Web configurations.
15   final class WebConfig
16   {
17     /// The name of the web application.
18     string name;
19     /// The routes that are mapped to static files.
20     @optional string[] staticFileRoutes;
21     /// The paths to white-list for file-access/directory-access.
22     @optional string[] whiteListPaths;
23     /// A list of hosts that the server accepts.
24     @optional string[] hostWhiteList;
25     /// The route that's mapped to the home page.
26     string homeRoute;
27     /// Boolean determining whether views can be accessed by their file name.
28     @optional bool allowFileRoute;
29     /// An array of addresses the web application is accessible by.
30     WebAddress[] addresses;
31     /// The default headers the web application uses.
32     WebHeaders defaultHeaders;
33     /// Boolean determining whether the access log should be redirected to the console.
34     @optional bool accessLogToConsole;
35     /// The time sessions are stored in memory.
36     @optional long sessionAliveTime;
37     // A special string representation that splits the root routes when checking ACL.
38     @optional string specialRouteSplitter;
39     /// Boolean determnining whether views can be cached or not.
40     @optional bool shouldCacheViews;
41     /// An array of global restricted ip addresses.
42     @optional string[] globalRestrictedIPs;
43     /// An array of restricted ip addresses.
44     @optional string[] restrictedIPs;
45     /// A collection of db connection configurations.
46     @optional WebDbConnections dbConnections;
47     /// Tn associative array of specialized routes.
48     @optional WebSpecialRoute[string] specializedRoutes;
49     /// A static web-page to display for maintenance. When specified the website will automatically be set to maintenance-mode.
50     @optional string maintenance;
51     /// An array of ips that can still access the site during maintenance.
52     @optional string[] maintenanceWhiteList;
53     /// Boolean determining whethere there's only one view to use for routing. The view must be named __view.dd
54     @optional bool viewOnly;
55     /// Configurations for mongo db.
56     @optional WebMongoDb mongoDb;
57     /// Configuration to disable privacy logging. When set to true, personal information etc. will be stored in the logging.
58     @optional bool disablePrivacyLogging;
59     /// Configuration for the ssl certificate file.
60     @optional string sslCertificateFile;
61     /// Configuration for the ssl private key file.
62     @optional string sslPrivateKeyFile;
63     /// The http header that contains the client's ip. Useful when using reverse proxies.
64     @optional string ipHeader;
65     /// Collection of webservices.
66     @optional WebService[] webservices;
67     /// An associative array of custom configurations;
68     @optional string[string] customConfig;
69     /// String of an url to redirect all connections that aren't ssl to.
70     @optional string forceSSLUrl;
71     /// An array of routes that shouldn't have logging for headers.
72     @optional string[] disableHeaderLoggingRoutes;
73     /// An associative array of mapped auth keys.
74     @optional string[string] mappedAuthKeys;
75     /// The maximum number of bytes a request can transfer. Defaults to 4,000,000 bytes.
76     @optional ulong maxRequestSize;
77     /// The maximum number of bytes a request header can be. Default is 8,192 bytes.
78     @optional ulong maxRequestHeaderSize;
79     /// Boolean determining whether authentication should run for static files or not.
80     @optional bool authenticateStaticFiles;
81   }
83   /// Wrapper around a webservice.
84   final class WebService
85   {
86     /// The name of the webservice.
87     string name;
89     /// The wsdl of the webservice.
90     string wsdl;
92     /// The module name of the webservice.
93     string moduleName;
94   }
96   /// A web address.
97   final class WebAddress
98   {
99     /// An array of ip addresses that the web address is bound to.
100     string[] ipAddresses;
101     /// The port the web address is bound to.
102     ushort port;
103   }
105   /// Web headers.
106   final class WebHeaders
107   {
108     /// Headers used for general purpose.
109     string[string] general;
110     /// Headers used for static files.
111     string[string] staticFiles;
112     /// Headers used for 404 responses.
113     string[string] notFound;
114     /// Headers used for error responses.
115     string[string] error;
116   }
118   /// Wrapper around db connection configurations.
119   final class WebDbConnections
120   {
121     @optional WebDbConnectionConfig[string] mysql;
122     @optional WebDbConnectionConfig[string] mssql;
123     @optional WebDbConnectionConfig[string] postgresql;
124     @optional WebDbConnectionConfig[string] sqlite;
125   }
127   /// Wrapper around a db connection configuration.
128   final class WebDbConnectionConfig
129   {
130     /// The host.
131     string host;
132     /// The port.
133     @optional ushort port;
134     /// The user.
135     string user;
136     /// The password.
137     string password;
138     /// The database.
139     @optional string database;
141     static if (hasMsSql)
142     {
143       string namedInstance;
144     }
145   }
147   /// Wrapper around a special route.
148   final class WebSpecialRoute
149   {
150     /// The type of the route.
151     string type;
152     /// The value of the route.
153     string value;
154   }
156   /// Wrapper around mongo db configurations.
157   final class WebMongoDb
158   {
159     /// The host of the mongo db.
160     string host;
161     /// The port of the mongo db. This should only be used if the host is an IP.
162     @optional ushort port;
163   }
165   /// The web configuration.
166   private static __gshared WebConfig _webConfig;
168   /// Gets the web configuration.
169   @property WebConfig webConfig() { return _webConfig; }
171   /// Loads the web configuration.
172   void loadWebConfig()
173   {
174     import vibe.d : deserializeJson;
175     import std.file : readText;
177     _webConfig = deserializeJson!WebConfig(readText("config/web.json"));
179     if (_webConfig.homeRoute[0] == '/')
180     {
181       _webConfig.homeRoute = _webConfig.homeRoute[1 .. $];
182     }
184     if (_webConfig.homeRoute[$-1] == '/')
185     {
186       _webConfig.homeRoute = _webConfig.homeRoute[0 .. $-1];
187     }
189     if (_webConfig.sessionAliveTime <= 0)
190     {
191       _webConfig.sessionAliveTime = 30;
192     }
194     if (!_webConfig.specialRouteSplitter)
195     {
196       _webConfig.specialRouteSplitter = "-";
197     }
198   }
199 }