1 /**
2 * Copyright © DiamondMVC 2019
3 * License: MIT (https://github.com/DiamondMVC/Diamond/blob/master/LICENSE)
4 * Author: Jacob Jensen (bausshf)
5 */
6 module diamond.markdown.part;
8 import diamond.markdown.type;
10 /// Wrapper around a markdown part.
11 final class MarkdownPart
12 {
13   private:
14   /// The type.
15   MarkdownType _type;
16   /// The content.
17   string _content;
18   /// The volume.
19   size_t _volume;
20   /// The metadata.
21   string[string] _metadata;
23   public:
24   final:
25   /**
26   * Creates a new markdown part.
27   * Params:
28   *   type = The type of the markdown part.
29   */
30   this(MarkdownType type)
31   {
32     _type = type;
33   }
35   @property
36   {
37     /// Gets the type of the markdown part.
38     MarkdownType type() { return _type; }
40     /// Gets the content of the markdown part.
41     string content() { return _content; }
43     /// Gets the volume of the markdown part.
44     size_t volume() { return _volume; }
46     package(diamond.markdown)
47     {
48       /// Sets the type of the markdown part.
49       void type(MarkdownType newType)
50       {
51         _type = newType;
52       }
54       /// Sets the content of the markdown part.
55       void content(string newContent)
56       {
57         _content = newContent;
58       }
60       /// Sets the volume of the markdown part.
61       void volume(size_t newVolume)
62       {
63         _volume = newVolume;
64       }
65     }
66   }
68   /**
69   * Gets a metadata value.
70   * Params:
71   *   key = The key of the metadata to get.
72   * Returns:
73   *   The metadata value if existing, null otherwise.
74   */
75   string getMetadata(string key)
76   {
77     return _metadata.get(key, null);
78   }
80   /**
81   * Sets a metadata.
82   * Params:
83   *   key =   The key of the metadata.
84   *   value = The value of the metadata.
85   */
86   package(diamond.markdown) void setMetadata(string key, string value)
87   {
88     _metadata[key] = value;
89   }
90 }