Boolean determining whether the access log should be redirected to the console.
An array of addresses the web application is accessible by.
Boolean determining whether views can be accessed by their file name.
A collection of db connection configurations.
The default headers the web application uses.
An array of global restricted ip addresses.
The route that's mapped to the home page.
A static web-page to display for maintenance. When specified the website will automatically be set to maintenance-mode.
An array of ips that can still access the site during maintenance.
The name of the web application.
An array of restricted ip addresses.
The time sessions are stored in memory.
Boolean determnining whether views can be cached or not.
Tn associative array of specialized routes.
The routes that are mapped to static files.
Boolean determining whethere there's only one view to use for routing. The view must be named __view.dd
Web configurations.