1 module diamond.core.traits;
3 /// Creates a string to use with mixin that is an exact copy members of an enum
4 string createEnumAlias(T)(string name)
5 {
6   import std.traits : EnumMembers, OriginalType;
7   import std.conv : to;
8   import std..string : format;
9   import std.array : array, join;
10   import std.algorithm : map;
11   import std.meta : NoDuplicates;
13   return format("enum %s : %s { ", name, (OriginalType!T).stringof) ~ [NoDuplicates!(EnumMembers!T)]
14     .map!
15     (
16       (member)
17       {
18         return format("%s = %s", to!string(member), cast(OriginalType!T)member);
19       }
20     )
21     .array.join(",") ~ " }";
22 }
24 /// Mixin template to handle fields of a type.
25 mixin template HandleFields(T, string handler)
26 {
27 	string handleThem()
28 	{
29 		mixin HandleField!(T, [FieldNameTuple!T], handler);
31 		return handle();
32 	}
33 }
35 /// Mixin template to handle a specific field of a fieldname collection.
36 mixin template HandleField
37 (
38 	T,
39 	string[] fieldNames,
40 	string handler
41 )
42 {
43   import std.array : replace;
45 	string handle()
46 	{
47 		string s = "";
49 		foreach (fieldName; fieldNames)
50 		{
51 			s ~= "{" ~
52 				handler
53 				  .replace("{{fieldName}}", fieldName)
54 					.replace("{{fullName}}", T.stringof ~ "." ~ fieldName)
55 				~ "}";
56 		}
58 		return s;
59 	}
60 }