* Copyright © DiamondMVC 2018
* License: MIT (https://github.com/DiamondMVC/Diamond/blob/master/LICENSE)
* Author: Jacob Jensen (bausshf)
module diamond.errors.exceptions.enforceexception;

import diamond.core.debugging;

static if (debugging)
  /// Error wrapper for enforcements.
  class EnforceError : Error
    * Creates a new enforcement error.
    * Params:
    *   message = The message of the error.
    this(string message)

  /// Alias to mask throws to the error in debug-mode.
  alias EnforceException = EnforceError;
    /// Exception wrapper for enforcements.
    class EnforceException : Exception
      * Creates a new enforcement exception.
      * Params:
      *   message = The message of the exception.
      this(string message)