/** * Copyright © DiamondMVC 2019 * License: MIT (https://github.com/DiamondMVC/Diamond/blob/master/LICENSE) * Author: Jacob Jensen (bausshf) */ module diamond.web.elements.email; import diamond.web.elements.input; /// Wrapper around a email input. final class Email : Input { private: /// Boolean determining whether the input allows multiple emails or not. bool _multiple; public: final: /// Creates a new email input. this() { super(); addAttribute("type", "email"); } @property { /// Gets a boolean determining whether the input allows multiple emails or not. bool multiple() { return _multiple; } /// Sets a boolean determining whether the input allows multiple emails or not. void multiplate(bool allowMultiple) { _multiple = allowMultiple; addAttribute("multiple", null); } /// Gets a boolean determining whether the input allows an empty value. bool allowsEmptyValue() { return _multiple; } } }